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Public Acts of SLOWness

Actos Publicos de Lentitud

緩慢 的公開表演 (Huanman de Gongkai Biaoyan)


A Performance Art Petaluma project, in collaboration with Heather Bleasdell. Four slow-motion acts, open to those interested in joining, will span April to May 2020 in the Petaluma area.

“We convince by our presence.” ~ Walt Whitman

First take at a Public Act of SLOWness: one hour, one block.

March 2019:

Being present not only illuminates our mental projections, it opens the door for a body-based experience of aliveness. Many of us in modern society, however, spend much time lost in thought, terminally distracted with otherness - other times, places, people, things to do - paying attention to anything but the present moment.


Until there is a disruption - a glitch in the matrix. This is when humans are most vulnerable to coming alive and into the present. 


We do this with radically delinquent behavior - we slow down. As humans rush to the cliffs of global extinction - valorizing efficiency, material wealth - slowing down becomes a striking act. 

For more information or to participate in a public action, please join the Performance Art Petaluma email list at the bottom of this link.

“The only way to gain power in a world that is moving too fast, is to learn to slow down and the only way to spread one’s influence wide is to learn to go deep. The world we want will not emerge from electronic speed but rather from a spiritual stillness that takes root in our souls. Then and only then will we create a world that reflects the heart instead of shattering it.”

~ Marianne Williamson  

 © 2025 by Antonia Kao

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